Project 3

Intermediate Throwing
Lidded Jars Project 3

Problem: Create a series of lidded jars that have tight fitting lids and act a canvas for aesthetic expression.

Objective: Learn the basic technique for throwing 3 types of lids, to become familiar with producing 3 different types of lids for making jars, and to develop imagery that utilizes the jar form as a surface for expression by using incised surface decoration.

Identify several forms of jars that interest you with regard to design as well as personal expression.

Make several sketches of that explore variations in using the jar and different lids for expression of your personal aesthetic. 

Produce 3 sets of 3 jars that all have different variations on using the surface as a “canvas” for personal expression.  (9 pieces total)  Make 1 set of your jars with detailed incising technique.

Discuss the drawings you have made with your instructor before beginning

All lids should be thrown immediately after the jar form is thrown to avoid differences in shrinkage.

All pieces should employ the use of incising for surface decoration in the leather hard state.


-Make sure to trim the lids when the pieces are LEATHER HARD.

-Take your time when decorating the surface of your pieces.

-Consider using slip in combination with incising techniques.

 flange lid, cap lid, and gallery lid
cap lid with an attached handle
kim chee jar- a gallery lid with a cap lid on top

Cham jar from Vietnam, Denver Museum of Art

Lidded Jars by Karen Karnes
wood fired jar by Peg Malloy

Late Classic Mayan jar, Denver Museum of Art
(note: this jar is handbuilt and is included on this page to demonstrate lid style and surface decoration)
Gallery type lid, Jake Allee